Book a Distance Healing
Welcome. Join Gaia for a Powerful and Transformational Healing Experience with this Shamanic Distance Healing.
Shamanism and shamanic healing comes from an ancient deep rooted tradition. Shamanic healing methods are extremely powerful and work just as well long distance.
We are connected in a web of consciousness, so distance is no barrier. Time and space are simply constructs of the mind, quantum physics has now proved this and calls the web of consciousness we live in the 'unified' field.
Gaia is able to work with a client just as effectively when they are very far away and offers powerful shamanic healing techniques long distance - such as Power animal retrieval, Soul retrieval, Extraction and Energy re balancing. The Distance Healing Session will be guided throughout and can also include Guided meditations and Guided Shamanic Journeys.
Distance Healing Sessions are £69 for one hour and held via Zoom.
Book in for this Empowering & Healing Experience on this link below and you will be contacted to arrange a time and date for the session.